Building and editing android kernel in, eclipse with development studio 5 plugin. ask question. up vote 5 down vote favorite. 1. i have downloaded eclipse ds-5 from this site. so now i have to successfully build the android kernel in eclipse before am able to use the ds-5 disassembler tools.. Catatan perjalanan hidup dan berbagai macam tingkah laku , tentang teknologi , politik , ekonomi , sosial dan budaya ,serta berbagai macam kegiatan dan hiburan , tips dan triks seputar teknologi dan informasi. Modifying and rebuilding android kernel and root filesystem v1.2 modifying and re-building android kernel and rootfs.
Android porting, android platform, android-pdk, android porting in real target, build-compile-linux-kernel-android. i guess that since you are talking about kernel programming you are also looking for ways to hook up new hardware with the platform and expose that functionality using your framework extensions to the applications.. If you want to add governors and tweak the kernel more than what's possible in the ramdisk, or add anything to the kernel, you need the source code for the kernel, and a linux/unix enviroment to compile all the c code of the kernel source into a working android kernel.. Hi, kali ini mumpung punya waktu luang dan kesempatan, saya mau membagikan sedikit pengetahuan mengenai cara membuat/build kernel android. banyak para pemula yang ingin memulai develop android, tapi tidak tahu harus memulai darimana, maka saat ini saya ingin berbagi pengetahuan cara membuilding kernel from source code..