Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Android Expandablelistview Edittext Focus

Android custom listview with edittext tutorial describes how to customize listview with edittext with the help of custom adapter. android custom listview example teaches you implement custom listview in android studio.. It appears like the edittext loses focus after each character is typed. i have attached a screenshot to illustrate the behaviour. when groups are expanded / collapsed, after a couple of times, the text in textviews seem to disappear, with only the first letter of the first word in each view appearing.. Hello, i'm trying to put an edittext view to the expandable layout. it's display correctly, but when i tap to write text, than the box loose the focus and the virtual keyboard stay on the screen (but not write the tapped characters to the eddittext)..

Android :: edittext lose focus when keyboard appears apr 28, 2010. if the user clicks on another edit text the window gives it focus, and allows the user to edit the second text field while still maintaining the 'green outline' around the original edittext.. The issue is when you have a listview or an expandablelistview with input capable fields that displays the soft keyboard on focus, the edittext loses its focus for the first time but the second time it just works fine.. If anyone can help, regards, psy kh