Counter strike game gives option to players either to be a part of terrorists or counter terrorists team. the extreme tactical multiplier experiences of counter strike 1.6 is amazing. you can engage your self in a terrorist warfare of counter strike .. Extract the file using winrar. (download winrar)open “counter strike xtreme v7” folder, double click on “setup” and install it.; after installation complete, go to the folder where you install the game.; open folder, double click on “cs-extreme” icon to play the game.done!. Free download counter strike extreme v6 game full version pc work window xp/ win 8 dan vista.saatnya kita bermain game perang yang pastinya offline yang banyak disukai orang-orang..
Counter strike: extreme is a modded version of the original counter strike game that was developed and published by valve corporation. counter strike: extreme has a lot of new features and mods and you can play this by bots (own your own) or by lan and internet.. Download free full version “counter strike extreme v7” from gameslay. the game setup is tested and 100% fully working pc game for free download. the direct/torrent download from is highly compressed and free of any virus, spyware or adware.. Dan anda bisa download game counter strike 1.6 tetapi karena saya memiliki permainan yang lebih keren dan mantap saya rekomendasi anda untuk melihat game ini. counter strike extreme v7 nah kalau yang ini lengkap sekali dari senjata banyak di modifikasi dan ada juga versi zombie mode, pokonya lengkap dan rekomendasi buat di unduh oleh sobat..